Sunday, July 4, 2010


The question is...How do you get back on the tracks?
I guss you have to just follow the good old adage of 
"Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start again."
I feel completely distracted by everyday "stuff". The house is a mess, the baby needs to be fed, the laundry is piling up, I'm having a Christening party in 7 days, classroom project ideas intrude. If only I could rein it all in and get some ORDER going. Ahhhh the all mighty, never ending chase for that sense of order. Maybe it's not really attainable. It's days like this that I envy "those people" who run away. The people who just chuck it all, leave it all behind, start fresh. So what I want to do is achieve that state-of-mind. I figure it's that whole idea of POSITIVE THINKING or LAW OF ATTRACTION. I've decided that because I keep focusing on my disorganization, my full plate, all the inconveniences and "no time" - that, that's what I get - ALL THE TIME! Okay. Enough is enough already! Today I start over. Start again. FRESH. Wish me luck (I'm gonna' need it!)

On a side note. I love when I look for an image and it leads me to something inspiring. In my hunt for the above image I discovered the work of Britt Spencer. I've always been in love with illustration. I've also always been jealous of successful illustrators (especially ones with really nice websites) Way to go Britt! 


  1. Fake it 'til you make it comes to mind. Endless "to do" lists do so much harm (I am so guilty). Will the sky fall down because the laundry is not done? No. Part of having your amazingly creative mine is that it is always turning. Love you

  2. amazingly creative MIND that is

  3. Hi Heather,

    Oh man, I can totally relate to what you are saying. I love the idea of "chucking it all and starting fresh." I can't tell you how often that thought has crossed my mind. I strive to keep a positive mental attitude especially during the week as this is the time when I am engaged in more left brain activities.

    The photo you found for this post is perfect. Keep on believing, you will get there.

    Hugs! =)
