Thursday, June 17, 2010

Days 7-13

Life can get in the way of a new venture pretty fast! The trick is figuring out how to get back on track. I've been faced with fessing-up to always adding one more thing to my plate. Apparently it keeps me from actually finishing anything. It keeps me from reaching the places that seem so out of reach. Ahhhh the power of NO. The power of CHOICES. I know that I can't let go of this blog. I can say with confidence that I'd rather do this than anything else! Unfortunately, eventually I have to leave the computer and find a way to find pleasure and excitement in the OTHER STUFF.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Day 6: The first collage!

Day 6. Today I sat myself down with a few magazines. This in it's-self was really hard. I realized that I hang on to many of my magazines like books. For some reason, to cut into them is wrong. The crazy thing is that in the back of my mind, I keep telling myself that I'm keeping them to save the images - to make art with! Before I know it, my house starts to look on the brink of an episode of Hoarders. So as you can imagine, the magazines I cut into were not special ones. (ahhh another Venomous Toad!)

I ripped out pages. And then (not following the rules), I sat and laboriously cut each image out - nice and neat. The rules or guidelines I speak of are those outlined in the Creative Awakenings exercises. Now that my collage is finished - I can see the importance of the quick-ripping out technique. Right a way many ideas and feeling surfaced...

Why does it have to be so perfect?
Why do I feel so guilty that it's taking so long?
Why am I doing this instead of housework?
Why would I choose housework over feeding my creative soul?

The next thing I noticed was that I had way too many images for a two page spread. That's when I found myself categorizing. I said to myself "I'll have a whatever page, a house page, a word page, etc."

The Toad Committee Page (beginning)

Here are some things that I see (so far) in the collages.
Organization - and the need and craving for it.
Color, Collections, Magical Things, Travel, Escape
Old and Dirty vs. Clean and Bright
Landscape, Ocean, Views - Windows

If you notice anything else - please add a comment below:-)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Can Rearranging Furniture Be Considered Creative?

Day 5. Today was a dark and rainy day. Everything in the house seemed to be calling out to me. "Help us! This house is a mess. Please clean us up. Forget that silly art making stuff! We are so much more important. You can't live like this one more minute!"

I think I have just uncovered my first "Venomous Toad"

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Day 4. Today was the kind of day when you really just want to do your "art stuff", but you still need to get to the grocery store, load the dishwasher, get some laundry done, and feed the baby a few times.

Somehow there were some little windows of opportunity. During those fleeting moments I could be found frantically cutting, arranging and pasting.

And voila - the Dream Journal began to take shape. I couldn't help but think about the sketchbook journals I loved making in collage. One of those "assignments" that took over. (thanks Dave Bowman) I have to make a point this week to get some of them out (after all these years) and look them over.

What fun! I have to admit, I feel really charged with excitement. I guess this may be just what I need.

Most of the "inside" of the journal today was what I would call "house keeping". I wanted to be sure to put in elements from Creative Awakenings and from Kitty's blog. I'll also be printing out the entries I make for this blog. I want the journal to be a comprehensive "hard copy" of this whole experience.

I keep thinking of Kitty's piece about Everyday Bliss - 30 days to make a habit . I need to "schedule" devoted time - a minimum of 20 minutes. I need to form the habit.

Dream Journal Takes Shape

Monday, June 7, 2010

The Making Of The Dream Journal

Day 3. Today I took an old sketchbook journal off my shelf. I opened it to reveal that I had used only 5 pages. The pages were a true testament to how busy life can get. On the first page I listed a beginning date...April 4, 2005

The entries inside were as follows...
April 4, 2005
April 7, 2005
May 23, 2005
July 23, 2005
January 6, 2006
January 10, 2006
January 31, 2006

I considered just ripping out the five pages and starting fresh.
I decided that I better read them first.

The funny thing was that over the course of those few entries a common theme emerged. I was always STARTING SOMETHING NEW and it was usually SOMETHING BIG, like an IDEA FOR A BUSINESS, or a plan for HOME ORGANIZATION, or HOME RENOVATION.
I was often describing a FEELING OF BLISS over some type of BREAK or FREEDOM from my motherly duties (like, the kids are napping, or out with their dad). There was even a page where I seemed to be trying to list all of the things that I LIKE or HATE.

And there at the bottom of one of the pages, a pasted in clipping.

And so, as I am here to clearly state...
IT'S NOT LIKE I HAVEN'T DONE THIS BEFORE! And yet I keep attempting to do it and it never lasts for very long.

Hopefully this idea of striving for 365 days will help to catapult me past the "beginning" stage and into the "gleaning" stage. I'm excited to see just what I will learn from this process.

My copy of Creative Awakenings arrived in the mail today. What perfect timing!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

If Julie can do it - so can I

Day 2. Today I spent a little time in the morning looking over my "tasks" at hand.
I had fun watching Kitty's tutorial about faux silk. Printed out a few pages (like my official visa) and then, as most Sundays do, the day got completely away from me.
I have to say however, that in the back of my mind were all the giddy summersaults of ideas for how to begin. If you haven't indulged in it yet, you've got to see Julie & Julia. If Julie can do it - so can I
(and so can you).

Saturday, June 5, 2010

The Journey Begins

Day 1. Day one of 365. Today I begin my commitment to one year of reconnecting with my creativity. I've been wanting to start my blog for so long. Everyday I walk around mumbling in my head "this is what I would write today".
Enough mumbling!
I have been inspired by the challenge of the Creative Awakenings project @

Today has been devoted to preparing this blog space.
I will write each day to catalog the journey.
Will this work? Will I survive?
Keep reading and find out!