I ripped out pages. And then (not following the rules), I sat and laboriously cut each image out - nice and neat. The rules or guidelines I speak of are those outlined in the Creative Awakenings exercises. Now that my collage is finished - I can see the importance of the quick-ripping out technique. Right a way many ideas and feeling surfaced...
Why does it have to be so perfect?
Why do I feel so guilty that it's taking so long?
Why am I doing this instead of housework?
Why would I choose housework over feeding my creative soul?
The next thing I noticed was that I had way too many images for a two page spread. That's when I found myself categorizing. I said to myself "I'll have a whatever page, a house page, a word page, etc."
The Toad Committee Page (beginning)
Here are some things that I see (so far) in the collages.
Organization - and the need and craving for it.
Color, Collections, Magical Things, Travel, Escape
Old and Dirty vs. Clean and Bright
Landscape, Ocean, Views - Windows
If you notice anything else - please add a comment below:-)
Not sure if it helps - but I see lots of bar stools.... Loving the blog